Fourteen lessons to help freelancers get better clients.

Do you feel like the clients you work with (when you're finally able to convert a prospect into a client) don't value you, or the work you do? Do you feel like they don't treat you with respect and you're not sure why, or what to do about it?

This course was created for the sole purpose of helping freelancers and solopreneurs change their thinking, change their approach, and start demanding the respect they deserve by treating themselves with respect first. Remember, nobody else will respect you if you don't respect yourself!

In this course you will learn how to:

  • Raise your prices
  • Get clients to value the work you do for them
  • Identify problem clients BEFORE they become your clients
  • Present your proposals with confidence
  • Getting over "imposter syndrome"
  • Understand the value you bring to the table

In case you aren't sold yet, here's a free look at one of the videos from the course.

Sample Video: You Are Worth It!

List of lessons included:

  1. Introduction (05:03)
  2. Defining Terms (02:01)
  3. The Problem with Freelancing (03:37)
  4. The Racing Flag Analogy (01:40)
  5. Racing Flags: The Green Flag (02:40)
  6. Racing Flags: The Yellow Flag (04:57)
  7. Racing Flags: The Red Flag (05:41)
  8. Clients from Hell (04:52)
  9. Bad News and Good News (03:19)
  10. Create Your 10 Commandments (07:56)
  11. Stand By Your Pricing! (08:22)
  12. Freelancers: You're Worth It! (02:41)
  13. Defensive Tactics For Freelancers (22:23)
  14. Do Your Homework, Then Go Forth and Conquer! (02:31)

Total runtime: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Some Slides From the Videos

There isn't any homework, and there's no need to download any slides. But here are some graphics and charts used in the videos. You'll want to take a lot of notes and come up with a gameplan for yourself and how you can transform your business, and feel better about your company, your skills, and yourself.

This collection of videos was a labor of love, designed and recorded to help people just like me who struggle with feeling good enough, or charging enough, or feeling like we're worth the rates we charge. I'm giving it away for free... I hope you like it.

What do you think? Watch the whole series now and build your confidence today!

-Ron Stauffer (Founder of Free Soloing)